It’s been more than a solid month since I updated my page, I’m really slacking... anyway. Last time I posted I was just starting to shoot my new film Downward. Well, IT’S DONE! Kind of... I’m still doing some tiny tweaks here and there but it premiered on the 16th at the Montclair Student Film Festival and so far the response has been great and I’m glad a lot of people like it so far. I want to thank my DP Hari Kapoor for some great shootin’, my assistant directors Anastasia Baker, Eric Unverzagt, and my AD for the limbo scene, Marrisa Grace. Also my sound crew Jenna Leung, David “Cherry” Caceres, and my post-producion audio assistant Jess Sims. And of course the limbo scene could not have been done without my grips Marrisa Grace, Brett Davis, Nicholas Hunt, Jenna Leung, and Eric S. Thanks you guys, now no more ass-kissing...
There were laughs, there were tears, there were more delays than I would like to remember, but I bid fair well to Downward. My next project is called Casualties Of Culture, it is an intense social commentary written and directed by Anthony Salerno and I am going to be Director Of Photography for the film, and my Downward partner in crime, Marrisa Grace, is also tagged on as Assistant Director. I can not talk about it too much, but we begin shooting on January 2nd. For more info on the project go to the Tumblr.
As of right now I am home sick, so I am going to go make myself some soup and sit for a while. Check out the teaser for Downward under the FILMS tab at the top of the page, new trailer coming soon. Hope all of you enjoy the holidays.
As of right now I am home sick, so I am going to go make myself some soup and sit for a while. Check out the teaser for Downward under the FILMS tab at the top of the page, new trailer coming soon. Hope all of you enjoy the holidays.